5 Signs It’s Time to Seek Care for Your Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a commonly known medical term, but few people truly understand what they entail. Hemorrhoids vary widely in terms of discomfort and pain. Sometimes they can go away on their own, but other cases become so painful the patient can longer sit comfortably. No matter the severity, you are not alone, and you can seek help. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about treatment options and when to seek help:
How to Identify Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids develop in the veins along the vascular cushion in your rectum that controls your bowel’s function. They can either be inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). As pressure builds, those veins swell into painful lumps. If left untreated, the problem will only worsen. Poor diets, forcing bowel movements, pregnancy, and improperly lifting heavy objects can all cause hemorrhoids.
What to Look Out For
In mild cases, hemorrhoids can leave on their own when treated with a fiber-rich diet, plenty of water, and over-the-counter medication. However, moderate to severe cases will need the assistance of a highly qualified doctor to find relief. Even if you think your case is mild, scheduling a check-up can help to find relief faster, help you understand the underlying cause, and prevent future hemorrhoid cases.
Bleeding with Bowel Movements
Blood in your stool is a major red flag that something is internally wrong. If bleeding occurs before using the restrooms, this is likely caused by hemorrhoid leakage. The same is true of bleeding after the restroom or after wiping—if a wounded area is irritated, it usually bleeds. However, bleeding during a bowel movement could be indicative of a much larger concern like colon cancer. If you notice blood in your stool, even if it is before or after, it is always recommended you seek out medical help as soon as possible.
Prolonged Symptoms
If you haven’t noticed any improvement after a week of trying at-home remedies and fiber-rich dieting, you should consult a doctor. Mild cases of hemorrhoids resolve on their own with a little discomfort, but many cases do not. The affected area may be irritated throughout the week, prolonging healing unintentionally. A consultation with a trusted doctor will help you develop the best game plan for your unique case. Their examination will help you determine if caution and home remedies are all you need, or if surgical intervention is necessary.
Symptoms Keeping Getting Worse
Home remedies help to bring relief as your hemorrhoids slowly heal, but they cannot cure hemorrhoids altogether. Because of this, it is very important you monitor your hemorrhoid symptoms continuously in order to avoid letting them progress too long. The longer your hemorrhoids endure, the higher your chances of experiencing a flare-up are—get a check-up as soon as you notice hemorrhoids to avoid painful flare-ups.
Noticing a Bulge
Internal hemorrhoids grow over time when left untreated. Once inflammation is severe enough, the hemorrhoid may fall outside the anus. This is commonly referred to as a prolapsed hemorrhoid, and the pain associated with it can be severe. In some cases, patients may be able to push it back in thought this often causes extreme discomfort. Medical treatment is the only way to completely relieve a prolapsed hemorrhoid, but early hemorrhoid treatment can help you avoid the pain of a prolapsed hemorrhoid altogether.
Cause Unclear
Painful and uncomfortable bleeding in the anus can have a multitude of causes ranging from mild to severe. It may be something as simple as a hemorrhoid case, but it could be life-threatening. If you have had hemorrhoids in the past, anal bleeding could just be a hemorrhoid flare-up. However, if you haven’t had a history of hemorrhoids, the chances of bleeding having a different underlying cause are much higher. With your first case of hemorrhoids, it is best to seek out a medical diagnosis to make sure it isn’t something more serious.
Hemorrhoid Treatment Options
Depending on the type of hemorrhoids you are experiencing, there are a few different treatment options for you. At Sonoran Surgical, we offer 6 different hemorrhoid treatment options. External hemorrhoids can either cause one large, painful lump or a cluster of smaller skin tags around the anus. In both cases, our expert team can excise external hemorrhoids in the office.
Internal hemorrhoids have a few more options depending on the type and severity of the hemorrhoid. Mild internal cases will often be prescribed a dietary management plan and topical treatment to curb discomfort. In cases where hemorrhoids do not respond to home remedies, Dr. Sahai and Dr. Tender may use techniques such as elastic band ligation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and ligasure hemorrhoidectomy.
Elastic band treatment is less invasive but must be done routinely to avoid flare-ups. It blocks off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid causing it to shrink.
Ligasure hemorrhoidectomies are a newer version of hemorrhoid surgery that removes both internal and external inflamed hemorrhoids. It is less intensive than traditional treatments but remains just as effective.
Stapled hemorrhoidectomies are most commonly used for prolapsed hemorrhoids. This operation requires the patient to be under anesthesia so that the hemorrhoidal tissue can be removed and repositioned back to normal. Being a more intense procedure, stapled hemorrhoidectomies are reserved for special cases.
Where to Seek Care
Hemorrhoids are a common discomfort across the board, but rarely are those who suffer willing to talk about it openly. There is a sense of embarrassment about the subject for many, but we are here to help. At Arizona Hemorrhoid & Anorectal Center, we hear your concerns as worries and will work tirelessly to ensure you are treated with top-quality care. Our incredible colorectal surgeons will help you find relief and assist you with preventing future flare-ups.
If you are a resident of Arizona near Chandler, San Tan Valley, Mesa, or Gilbert concerned about your anal health, look no further than Arizona Hemorrhoid & Anorectal Center. We are here to help you not only treat your current discomforts but prevent future ones. Schedule a consultation online or at one of our offices to receive some of the best quality treatment and quick relief Arizona has to offer.