Anal Cancer

Anal cancer is cancer that presents in the anal canal. It is a relatively uncommon form of cancer that can cause numerous symptoms, including rectal bleeding and discharge, as well as anal pain. Symptoms can sometimes be assigned to hemorrhoids, delaying diagnosis. Sonoran Surgical works with oncologists in the surrounding area to provide diagnosis and treatment, and our practice has a wealth of experience in treating anal cancer to provide optimal care for patients.

Information About Anal Cancer

What is Anal Cancer?

Anal cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer that occurs within the anal canal, or the section of the large intestine that directs stool from the body. This cancer forms from a genetic mutation that transforms normal cells into abnormal cells, which can multiply at an exponential rate. In addition, abnormal cancer cells do not die naturally like normal, healthy cells do, causing these cancerous cells to accumulate quickly. A tumor is formed from an accumulation of abnormal cells. Abnormal cancer cells can metastasize or branch off from the initial tumor to spread elsewhere, particularly if the cancer is left untreated or undiagnosed. Anal cancer is often closely linked with exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV).

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, sometimes leading to distinct feelings of fear, depression, or hopelessness within patients. We understand that a diagnosis like this can turn a world upside down. Our team at Sonoran Surgical is dedicated to providing the most compassionate care possible, working with patients to validate their concerns and work toward the most effective and safe care possible. Our expert surgeons are trained to collaborate with patients in order to determine the best next steps for their cancer treatment.

Anal Cancer Signs and Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with the presence of anal cancer, including rectal bleeding, pain in the affected area, a mass appearing in the anal canal, changes in bowel habits, and itching of the anus. Several of these symptoms are also typical for other conditions, meaning that swift and accurate diagnosis is essential to ensure that the best possible results can be achieved. There are several potential risk factors, including older age, exposure to HPV, consumption of alcohol, a personal or family history of cancer, and smoking. However, this type of cancer is not limited to a specific group of people. Routine screenings are essential in preventing cancer and in catching it early.

Anal Cancer Treatment

Once a patient has been diagnosed with anal cancer, the treatment plan depends on the stage and severity of the disease. Our Board-Certified Anorectal Experts work with oncologists in the surrounding area to develop the highest-quality treatment plans possible for patients who have been diagnosed with anal cancer. 

In many cases, a combination of chemotherapy and radiation is used to target abnormal cancer cells and halt the spread of the disease. This combination may increase the risk of side effects, but it is also a more potent method of targeting tumors. In consultation with oncologists, our team will help you construct a plan to help treat your condition. Sonoran Surgical provides a caring and passionate environment in which you can feel both comfortable and assured that your providers are doing everything they can to ensure your continued well-being. We are here for you.

Our Hemorrhoid Experts

Board Certified Surgeons

Our colorectal experts and experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing outstanding colorectal care over multiple issues within Colon and Rectal Health. We are proud to offer full treatments of all grades of hemorrhoids and anorectal conditions to meet the needs of each of our patients.

Aalok Sahai, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Paul Tender, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Rohit Sahai, MD

General Surgeon & Surgical Oncologist

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning about our Anal Cancer treatment options, please contact Sonoran Surgical in Chandler and San Tan Valley, Arizona today at (480) 646-8440. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.