External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear below the skin surrounding the anus. It is a relatively common condition, but patients with external hemorrhoids may experience more prominent symptoms, including swelling, bleeding, and pain or discomfort. 

Information About External Hemorrhoids

What are External Hemorrhoids?

Similar to internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids are swollen and enlarged veins that occur around the anus. However, external hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear underneath the skin surrounding the anus. Because of their more pronounced nature, external hemorrhoids can lead to different symptoms and require different treatments. The exact cause is often unknown, though there may be certain risk factors, including age. Although they are an extremely common condition, external hemorrhoids may cause more pronounced symptoms for patients, leading to significant discomfort. Thankfully, there are multiple treatments available for patients who are struggling with this condition to effectively reduce discomfort. Our board-certified team is prepared to work with patients to determine a safe, effective treatment plan catered to the patient’s individual needs. 

External Hemorrhoid Signs and Symptoms

External hemorrhoids may produce more pronounced symptoms than internal hemorrhoids. These can include pain, discomfort, or itching around the affected area, as well as bleeding and swelling. If they become irritated, they can swell considerably and produce hemorrhoidal skin tags. Smaller tags may be asymptomatic, but larger ones can produce significant discomfort. In addition, in some cases, a clot might be formed, leading to a visible lump and significant bleeding and pain. These swollen veins are often far more uncomfortable than their internal counterparts, meaning that swift and advanced treatment may be needed to minimize the discomfort of patients. 

External Hemorrhoid Treatment

In some cases, external hemorrhoids can be treated with topical medications. However, because of the potential severity of the symptoms produced by external hemorrhoids, the treatments needed to alleviate discomfort may need to be more invasive. Our expert, board-certified team will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan. We will help you determine which procedure is best suited for your needs, as well as an in-depth aftercare plan to ensure that your journey to recovery is as seamless as possible. 

Excision of a thrombosed external hemorrhoid is a procedure designed to remove a thrombosed external hemorrhoid or hemorrhoid that has developed a clot that is likely causing significant pain and discomfort for the patient. This type of hemorrhoid is often associated with producing a “marble” type lump that is linked to pain. These can sometimes be removed in the office, reducing costs for patients by avoiding expensive hospital charges. Our team is extremely experienced in the removal of hemorrhoids, and patients can be assured that this procedure will take place in a safe and expert environment.

Excision of external hemorrhoidal skin tags is a procedure that removes unwanted skin tags that may form as the result of enlarged external hemorrhoids. Smaller tags are often asymptomatic, but larger tags can cause a list of symptoms for patients, including swelling, itching, and general discomfort. This procedure can typically be completed in the office in one of our procedure rooms.

Our Hemorrhoid Experts

Board Certified Surgeons

Our colorectal experts and experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing outstanding colorectal care over multiple issues within Colon and Rectal Health. We are proud to offer full treatments of all grades of hemorrhoids and anorectal conditions to meet the needs of each of our patients.

Aalok Sahai, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Paul Tender, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Rohit Sahai, MD

General Surgeon & Surgical Oncologist

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning about our external hemorrhoid treatment options, please contact Sonoran Surgical in Chandler and San Tan Valley, Arizona today at (480) 646-8440. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.


Can external hemorrhoids go away?

External hemorrhoids will sometimes go away with the use of cold compresses, over-the-counter topical ointments and medications, and a fiber-rich diet. However, if symptoms persist, surgical removal may be needed.

Should I be worried about an external hemorrhoid?

External hemorrhoids are fairly common and are typically not dangerous. If you are experiencing persistent pain and/or bleeding, please call our office immediately to schedule a consultation.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Although the exact cause of hemorrhoids is unknown, people with the following risk factors are more likely to develop them: obesity, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, heavy lifting, straining during bowel movements, and a low-fiber diet.

When should I see a doctor for external hemorrhoids?

If your external hemorrhoids are causing severe pain that lasts longer than 3-4 days and is not alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Bleeding during bowel movements and changes in stool consistency or color are also symptoms that should be assessed by a doctor.

What triggers an external hemorrhoid?

Regularly lifting heavy items, straining during bowel movements, and having anal intercourse could trigger the development of an external hemorrhoid.

What is a good treatment for external hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids can sometimes be treated with topical ointments but larger or more severe hemorrhoids may require surgical removal in our office or at a surgical center.

What shrinks hemorrhoids fast?

A sitz bath, cold compresses, or ointments can help alleviate symptoms and quicken the healing process of hemorrhoids.

Should I push my hemorrhoid back in?

An external hemorrhoid generally can not be pushed back in. Internal hemorrhoids that prolapse/protrude can sometimes be pushed back in.

What happens if you ignore external hemorrhoids?

If hemorrhoids are ignored, blood clots, increasing pain, inflammation, and bleeding may occur. It is best to treat hemorrhoids as soon as possible, either with at-home care or an appointment.

How do you shrink external hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids can be effectively shrunk with surgical removal. However, if symptoms are not severe, topical medications and cold compresses may be enough to shrink the hemorrhoid and alleviate symptoms.

What do you do if a hemorrhoid pops?

If a hemorrhoid pops, clean the area immediately and bandage it to protect the area and prevent infection. A sitz bath can also help prevent infection and over-the-counter pain medication can alleviate discomfort. Please call your doctor immediately if pain persists or if you have bleeding and swelling.

What not to do with hemorrhoids?

If you have hemorrhoids, avoid sitting for long periods of time, straining during bowel movements, and heavy lifting. Sports like weightlifting, cycling, and horseback riding may need to be temporarily stopped until the hemorrhoid has reduced.

Can a hemorrhoid be the size of a grape?

A thrombosed hemorrhoid or more advanced hemorrhoid can be the size of a grape. They may start as a small pea-sized lump and gradually grow in size.

What is considered a large hemorrhoid?

Large hemorrhoids are the size of a grape or small marble and cannot be pushed back into the anus once they prolapse.

What size of hemorrhoids need surgery?

The size of a hemorrhoid is not the only defining factor for whether you need surgery. Typically, larger hemorrhoids with associated symptoms of pain, swelling, or bleeding will require surgery.

How do I know if my external hemorrhoid is severe?

Severe hemorrhoids often cause persistent pain, swelling, and bleeding.