Fecal Incontinence

This condition signifies a lack of control over bowel movements. This can lead to uncomfortable circumstances for the patient, including the unexpected leakage of stool from the rectum. This condition can range in severity. Our practice has extensive experience treating this condition, allowing for improved outcomes for patients.

Information About Fecal Incontinence

What is Fecal Incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is a condition in which control of bowel movements is decreased, leading to leakage of stool. This can range from small amounts of stool being passed accidentally to patients being unable to hold in bowel movements before they can reach a bathroom. It may occur, at times, without the patient being aware of it. 

This condition, as you can imagine, can be incredibly difficult for patients, leading to uncomfortable situations and producing lowered self-confidence, mental health symptoms like depression, and physical discomfort. If you are struggling with this condition, Sonoran Surgical is dedicated to providing safe, effective, and compassionate care. There are treatments available that can restore your self-confidence and provide you with relief.

Fecal Incontinence Causes and Symptoms

Fecal incontinence can be caused by a range of factors that may lead to decreased control of bowel movements. Along with unintentional leakage of stool, fecal incontinence may be accompanied by constipation, bloating, excess gas, and diarrhea.

If the nerves that sense stool in the rectum are injured or impaired, decreased control of bowel movements may occur as a result. Nerve damage can occur for a variety of reasons, including childbirth, consistent straining, diabetes, and long-term constipation, among others. In addition, muscle damage to the anal sphincter can also cause decreased control. Other potential causes include consistent diarrhea, external hemorrhoids, muscle weakness, and rectal prolapse. Whatever the cause may be, there is treatment available to lessen discomfort and promote self-confidence for patients.

Fecal Incontinence Treatment

As with any condition, the beginning of the journey toward recovery is diagnosis. Our Board-Certified Anorectal Experts are dedicated to working with patients to develop an individualized treatment and recovery program catered toward the patient’s individual needs. Several diagnostic techniques may be utilized to determine the nature of the condition, including diagnostic imaging, a digital exam, and tests to measure the function of the muscles and nerves in the area. In some cases, a colonoscopy may also be performed. 

There are several nonsurgical treatment options that may be implemented by our team. These include: 

  • Changes in diet
  • Oral medication
  • Physical training
  • Stimulation of the nerves
  • Solesta® training to narrow the canal
  • Interstim™ Neurostimulation 

If these treatments do not effectively resolve symptoms, surgical options may be considered, These are typically minimally invasive and include:

  • Sphincteroplasty, a procedure designed to repair a previously damaged sphincter (damage often occurs during childbirth)
  • The implementation of an artificial anal sphincter
  • Surgeries to repair and address other conditions, such as hemorrhoids, rectocele, and rectal prolapse
  • Colostomy to redirect stool through an opening that is created in the abdomen

Our team of experts will work diligently with you to determine which treatment option, or combination of options, is best suited for you and your needs. 

Our Hemorrhoid Experts

Board Certified Surgeons

Our colorectal experts and experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing outstanding colorectal care over multiple issues within Colon and Rectal Health. We are proud to offer full treatments of all grades of hemorrhoids and anorectal conditions to meet the needs of each of our patients.

Aalok Sahai, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Paul Tender, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Rohit Sahai, MD

General Surgeon & Surgical Oncologist

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning about our fecal incontinence treatment options, please contact Sonoran Surgical in Chandler and San Tan Valley, Arizona today at (480) 646-8440. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.