
A colonoscopy is a common procedure that allows the entire colon to be examined for abnormalities. It is an important diagnostic procedure for issues related to the colon, and it is also important for prevention of colon cancer. The options we provide include screening, surveillance, and diagnostic evaluations to ensure the best care for our patients. Depending on your needs and circumstances, you may qualify for a Same Visit Colonoscopy.

Information About Colonoscopy

What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an important screening used to prevent and diagnose colorectal cancer. Although this procedure can seem daunting to some patients, it is a routine procedure for our team and it is essential in cancer prevention. It can also determine the cause of abnormalities, including intestinal bleeding and blockages, as well as chronic diarrhea. Pre-cancerous polyps can also be identified and removed. Routine screening is typically recommended beginning at age 45. Dr. Aalok Sahai and Dr. Tender have over a decade of experience performing colonoscopies, and patients can be assured that they are well-trained and dedicated to patient comfort and care. 

Colonoscopy Procedure

During a colonoscopy, a colonoscope, a small and flexible tube, is inserted through the length of the colon. Attached to the colonoscope is a video camera and a light to promote visibility. The lining of the intestine will be meticulously scanned for abnormalities or problems. If abnormalities are observed, including benign or malignant polyps, other small instruments may be inserted through the scope to remove abnormalities, take tissue for a biopsy, stop intestinal bleeding, or address other issues that may be present. As the scope is removed, your doctor will have an opportunity to do a final scan of the area, ensuring that no abnormalities remain or are present.

Some patients may be eligible for same-day colonoscopy, which doesn’t require a pre-procedure appointment to take place. If you qualify for this procedure, you can call our main Sonoran Surgical office to schedule the procedure, express questions or concerns, and receive instructions for the procedure over the phone or via email. Medical information will be reviewed and patients will have the opportunity to ask questions on the day of the procedure.

What Should I Expect?

Our team is trained in tactics utilized to minimize discomfort for patients, producing an easy and seamless experience. The patient’s comfort is our top priority, and we are more than happy to answer any questions you might have prior to the procedure. Pain is not associated with the procedure, and patients can return to normal activity after the procedure has been completed.

You will receive instructions prior to your colonoscopy. Before the procedure takes place, the colon must be cleaned of material and residue to ensure that the scope is able to work effectively. Laxatives and a liquid diet for a period of time preceding the procedure are standard. Although this may be uncomfortable, it is temporary, and it is necessary to ensure that the procedure is able to take place and that it yields accurate results.

Anesthesia or sedatives will be implemented to minimize discomfort. The procedure is typically completed within an hour. Patients are typically able to return home after any anesthesia has worn off.

Our Hemorrhoid Experts

Board Certified Surgeons

Our colorectal experts and experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing outstanding colorectal care over multiple issues within Colon and Rectal Health. We are proud to offer full treatments of all grades of hemorrhoids and anorectal conditions to meet the needs of each of our patients.

Aalok Sahai, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Paul Tender, MD

Board Certified Colorectal Surgeon

Rohit Sahai, MD

General Surgeon & Surgical Oncologist

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning about our colonoscopy treatment options, please contact Sonoran Surgical in Chandler and San Tan Valley, Arizona today at (480) 646-8440. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.